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Client: Michigan State University

Brief: Create a campaign to emphasize the importance of sexual assault awareness and prevention.

IDEA: #GOTEAL is a movement to support the survivals who experienced sexual assault in Larry Nassar's trail. We represent a group of students from Michigan State University to bravely stand out and speak up for the survivals. This campaign includes outdoor advertising, social media, activation.

​我们作为密歇根州立大学学生勇敢的站出来为遭遇Larry Nassar性侵案的受害者发声。


Michigan State students pose straight-faced and bare-shouldered to symbolize how sexual assault victims often feel: vulnerable and exposed – especially in a society where victim shaming is very prevalent.We hope people to stand out and strongly fight against sexual assault. 


Together, We Bloom

Together, We Bloom

We stand with all victims and survivors of sexual abuse. Your strength, your courage and your voice will inspire more to speak up.

Thank you for being a flower: for growing back, rooted without fear, and blooming even in a world that tried picking your petals.

Together, we bloom. 

Get a Ribbon

Get a Ribbon

Grab a ribbon to show your support and acknowledgement for the strength of sexual assault victims and survivors. 156 were placed on a poster hiding of survival names underneath each ribbon. As the ribbons disappear one by one, the survivals' name would come to the light. We see the strength of 156 women.

It Only Takes One

It Only Takes One

We went around East Lansing, Michigan and asked Michigan State University students to put teal light bulbs on their porch to show their support for sexual assault victims and survivors.

We Have the Power

We Have the Power

Everyone should have the awareness to prevent sexual assault. As parents, professors, athletes, students, police, etc., everyone should stand out and speak up to make difference.

Ningyu Fu
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
Copy Writer

Award: 2018 The One Club For Creativity

(ADC) Merit

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